James was very anxious and extremely crabby Christmas morning. We were expecting his favorite gift to be his iPod Touch or his "rectangle" TV. To our surprise his favorite gift was his remote control Dodge Ram that I picked up last minute at Walmart for $19.99. James was able to shake off his bad mood just in time to join us for church. James has only recently been able to attend church services. In the past someone would have to stay home with him because he is simply too disruptive. However, he has grown to the point where he can sit through an entire service. During the Christmas service he sang along, shouted "Amen!" and clapped aggressively where appropriate. Of course he had his less than perfect moments too like when he reached over and pulled on Mark's ear during the sermon.
This blog is a collection of the funny and the frustrating moments that I share with my twenty-year-old autistic brother, James.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Jitters
As Christmas nears the anxiety for James that he might not get everything on his Christmas list grows. He spent most of this past weekend interviewing every family member about his list to be sure we hadn't forgotten anything. He has already opened some of his gifts at family Christmas gatherings and has not been disappointed! On Saturday James put on his favorite tie to take some pictures in front of our parents' Christmas tree. He was bewildered by Venessa's baby bump and pushed on it to see what would happen. On Sunday night most of our family went to church for a Christmas program. James sat very well for most of the program, but our dad had to take him out early because he was getting restless. When we asked him why he left he said, "I just couldn't take it anymore."
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
It Will Never Happen Again
Grandma got Mark and I a new bathtub for Christmas so James and our mom, dad, and grandma came over to check it out. While we ate lasagna at the kitchen table, James inhaled a large pepperoni pizza on my couch. That couch has clearly become his favorite spot at my house. James kept sneaking into the kitchen to steal cheese bread, and before we knew it, it was all gone. I scolded him, and he said, "Val, it will never happen again." During this visit James was hoping to find his Christmas presents, but instead he found a back scratcher. I think everyone got their back scratched!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
It's Taco John's Christmas!
When James and I stopped at Hy-Vee Friday night the song "Feliz Navidad" was playing in the store. James started dancing in the middle of the main aisle and yelled, "It's Taco John's Christmas!" At my house I overheard him repeating lines from "Tommy Boy" to himself including: "You know a lot of people go to college for seven years. I know, they're called doctors." James' constant chatter has included a lot of baby references since he learned about Venessa's pregnancy. A new one Friday night was, "Don't make the baby cry!"
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