A busy Saturday at the Iowa State Fair ("ISF") and James are not an ideal combination, but it was so beautiful out last Saturday that my mom and I decided to give it a try. At the beginning James was less than cooperative and kept yelling into the crowd, "Are you an idiot?" He finally calmed down once we got to the pig barn. James recited the "This Little Piggy" nursery rhyme to a sleeping pig and walked up and down the aisles checking out all of the pens of pigs. After James had enough, we checked out the Iowa Public Television display at the Varied Industries Building and got James a slice of pepperoni pizza. Now that James' ISF checklist was complete, he wanted to leave immediately, so James and I let our parents enjoy an evening at the ISF, and we went to see "The Smurfs". On the way home we stopped at Hy-Vee Deli to get chinese. As I was ordering, James read the employee's name tag and asked him, "Alex, are you an amigo?" I immediately interjected and said, "I'm sorry. He is autistic." Alex was very kind and said, "No. I'm not Mexican." Then James said, "Do you use your karate-chop action?" I got James out of Hy-Vee very quickly. The entire way to the car James repeated, "He lives in China."